Download e-book for kindle: The Doom of Dragonback (Time of Legends) by Gav Thorpe

By Gav Thorpe

With the battle of Vengeance over, the dwarfs of the previous international have began to rebuild their empire. yet they've been tremendously weakened through their clash with the elves, and as nice earthquakes tear the mountains asunder, enemies previous and new descend upon the dwarf holds. To the west, within the Dragonback Mountains, the dwarfs of Ekrund imagine themselves secure from the threats confronted by means of their japanese cousins. they're fallacious. As greenskins march into their realm in terrifying numbers and battle beckons, the Angbok extended family and their fellows needs to struggle to avoid wasting every little thing they carry dear.

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The Doom of Dragonback (Time of Legends) by Gav Thorpe

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